Novavido is a technological society funded in 2021 and focused on the development of a new medical device based on nanotechnologies to recover the vision in blind patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa

We work on a disruptive technology born from a 10-years collaboration between the Italian Institute of Technology and the hospital IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria di Negrar.

Our device, liquid retina, can potentially substitute photoreceptors damaged by retina degenerations and recover the vision in the whole field of view.

Currently, we have tested our device on a model of retinitis pigmentosa up to 9 months after the implantation and we have proved its efficacy in recovering the visual function.


giovanni manfredi

Giovanni Manfredi

guglielmo lanzani

Guglielmo Lanzani

fabio benfenati

Fabio Benfenati


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